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Leadership Coaching 1:1

It's all about you

I coach both in person or virtually, with the aim to allow you to explore what's important to your success.  I'll be supporting and challenging you to find your answers, not supplying them. 


As a member of the International Coaching Federation, and having completed a coaching qualification,  I follow appropriate guidelines and ethics.  This is not consulting or training, it's about helping you discover where you want to be and how to get there.


My DiSC,  HBDI, and Emotional Capital Report accreditions allow me to share these tools to improve self awareness and effectiveness.

Three Coworkers

Team Coaching

Build Cohesive & Self Sufficient Teams

I work with teams to create high quality conversations and identify strengths and gaps of the collective.


Team coaching creates a feedback culture where team members can comfortably talk through alternative views to find the best way forward.


DiSC or HBDI support the teams learning and appreciation for diversity and different ways of approaching a task.

Teams need the strengths of all behavioural and thinking styles for cohesion, shared goals and more importantly shared success.


This creates respect, common goals, innovation, greater efficiencies, and allows leaders to focus on the bigger strategy knowing their team are focused on what matters.

Coaching Packages

A complimentary discovery meeting 15-30 minutes virtually available to ensure you are comfortable with
your coach and understand the process, with questions answered.


  • 4-6 one-hour sessions either in person or virtual as starter package

  • Continued support and access package available thereafter if desired

  • Great for Leaders wanting to grow their skills and focus

  • Great for Individuals looking to gain focus and growth personally or professionally


Small Group Coaching:

  • 4-6 90-minute sessions either in person or virtual

  • Small group exploration of challenges and identifying possible solutions

  • Excellent platform for emerging leaders or teams looking to become more focused and supported

  • Ongoing support after training workshops to embed new actions in the workplace

Senior Leadership Groups:

  • Strategy workshops to focus on strengths of leadership group and direction heading, along with

identifying opportunities for growth and engagement of this team.

  •  Â½ day to 2 day workshops utilising tools of choice for higher self-awareness of impact on others and

how to gain buy-in for strategies

  • Change management, finding purpose, setting goals, interactions and cohesiveness of this group,

and driving same across the organisation

  •  Facilitation of strategy meetings, reset intention and build capacity and cohesiveness of the group

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